Remote Employee Training and Enterprise Grade LMS - All You Need

Written by SeekLMS Correspondent on 03 October 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought in significant shifts in most walks of life, be it personal, social, or professional. With social distancing in effect for over a year, the work culture has massively been impacted, for some organizations in a positive way, and for some in a negative manner. Remote working was born out of necessity and soon became the norm. 

Organizations have wholeheartedly embraced the concept due to its plethora of benefits such as commute time savings, the enhanced employee working hour flexibility, productivity, and engagement. It also opened up avenues for reskilling the workforce in the latest technology and trends. And, learning management systems became the best way to train remote employees. Remote working has been massively beneficial for organizations too in terms of infrastructure investment savings, greater employee productivity, and engagement, and overall ROI. 

<h2> Remote Training: A Passing Fad or A Trend That’s Going to Stay for Good? </h2>

Remote working, and eventually, remote training is here to stay, and for good. Studies cite that employees would prefer to spend 40% of their time working from home even after the pandemic is over, so remote training is not a passing fad. According to another study, 87% of millennials, and 69% of non-millennials considered career development highly imperative, and 94% of employees expressed their interest to work at organizations that offer greater focus towards career development. So, organizations must buckle up to take their eLearning measures to new heights. 

Key Focus Areas of Training for Remote Employees

Learning & development is a continuous process for most organizations, and it is even more paramount in the new normal circumstances. However, if you are wondering how to train employees to work remotely or the best training topics for employees, let these statistics guide you.

A study cites that 80% of employees are looking for hard skills training while 53% are looking for soft skills training. 32% of employees are also looking forward to undertaking compliance training as a measure to stay abreast of legal implications to abide by and make the workplace culture highly constructive, cutting-edge, and secure.  

Apart from domain-specific and technical training, there are other key focus areas where organizations can impart remote training to their employees. Some of the key ones include:

  • Motivational training topics for employees
  • Soft skills training for employees
  • Professional development topics for employees
  • Fun training topics for employees

How SeekLMS Can Help?

The business ecosystem is getting ever competitive and today’s workforce needs to be reskilled for today and tomorrow. SeekLMS offers a robust, scalable, and seamless learning environment for employee training and development geared towards enhancing employee efficiency and productivity, improving innovation, ensuring compliance regulations, etc. 

SeekLMS comes with a reliable content builder that organizations can leverage to create curated, concise, and creative content to drive employee learning engagement. Flexible learning backed by automation, easy, anytime, anywhere access to learning modules, and extensive customer support are some of the strong fortes of the enterprise-grade SeekLMS. So, wait no more, get started today! 

Deliver great learning experiences. Start today, grow fast.

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